Refractometer for Syrup and Marmelade (28-62% Brix)
Refractometer (28-62% Brix)
This refractometer allows you to quickly measure the percentage of sugars, (28-62%, with accuracy – 0.2%) in syrup and marmelade without the need for a large amount of sample. A couple of drops of the sample is enough to measure its sugar content. The instrument is calibrated very quickly and easily. Ideal and easy to use, both outdoors and in the laboratory. This model has a built-in automatic temperature compensation system with a range of 10 to 30 ° C. The portable sugar diaphragm consists of the following parts:
Also included:
Instructions in English
Corrective temperature tables
Prism cleaning panel
Deodorized water for calibration
Using the instrument is simple. First the surfaces of the prism and the cover are washed with distilled water. Then carefully wiped (This cleaning is done after each use of the instrument).