Forensic Science
The analysis of forensic chemicals can provide evidence to researchers and can confirm or refute their suspicions.
A package with materials for many different forensic techniques.
The classroom will work like modern researchers in forensic laboratories.
They will be asked to investigate a mysterious murder case using a combination of tools and techniques of criminology such as fiber analysis and soil composition, density analyzes, insect identification and chemical analyzes.
Students will collect data and analyze the results to solve the mystery of a murder.
There are several materials for the whole class.
In some activities it is recommended to use a microscope.
Activity 1: (45+ minutes of preparation and 30-45 minutes of activity)
Collection of data from the crime scene – Hair and fibers
Activity 2: (45+ minutes of preparation and 30-45 minutes of activity)
Demonstration of Locard’s principle – “Every contact leaves traces”
Criminological scenarios:
Scenario 1: (15 minutes of preparation and 30 minutes of activity)
The artist’s brush
Scenario 2: (15 minutes of preparation and 45 minutes of activity)
Unusual fragment
Scenario 3: (15 minutes of preparation and 30 minutes of activity)
The torn sleeve
Scenario 4: (15 minutes of preparation and 45 minutes of activity)
The false threat
The kit includes:
10 Parts of polyester fabric with double buttons
6 sections of woolen fabric
4 different types of fabric
10 denim fabrics
20 cotton muslin fabrics
Set of mammal furs
10 tissues
plastic object plates
glass object plates
folders for data collection
cosmetic cotton
White sand
Black sand
10 plastic tweezers
100 envelopes for coins
opaque adhesive tape
10 rulers
10 black sheets of paper
10 magnifying glasses
permanent marker
2 aluminum plates
Instructions for the teacher (English)
Student Worksheets (English)
Materials needed but not included:
10 painting brushes
large transparent bags
Microscope with at least 430x magnification
heat glasses
old magazines
old shoes and boots