J-Bot Jungle Bot
PITSCO Straw Structures – Getting Started Package
PITSCO Toothpick Bridges – Getting Started Package
EZ Build Dragsters (Classroom Set)
EZ Start Dragsters
Fluid Power Car
Straw Rockets (Classroom Set)
Building and experimenting with these simple rockets is the perfect way to introduce students to rocketry. And they’ll learn a bevy of physics principles in the process!
nEnough materials for 30 students to build four rockets each. The Straw Rocket Launcher and the Straw Rocket video are included. Requires scissors, ruler, and transparent tape, not included
T-Bot II Hydraulic Arm
AP (Air-Powered) Dragster (Classroom Set)
Balsa Bridges Teacher’s Guide
G-Bot Gator Bot
Torsion Ballista
C-Bot Crawler Bot
Alexander the Great used catapults. Richard the Lionheart used them. Now you can use the Catapult Kit to overthrow lackluster activities in the classroom!
nBuild and experiment with your own rubber band-powered catapult!
nStudents discover the effects of various load masses and different rubber bands as they also learn about tension, forces, data graphing, and other concepts.
nRequires white glue, not included.