Thermo See-Saw

11,00 incl. VAT 404689
An interesting project for Technology and Physics. Function: The tea light heats the bi-metal strip causing it to expand and tip the rod and wooden ball.

Electro Lift Manitou

29,60 incl. VAT 401200
Electro Lift Manitou Pack for metal electric fork lift truck with 4 functions. 1. Back and forward drive. 2. Left

Electric Motor Premium

9,51 incl. VAT 407388
Νew electric motor project which is simple to make, with high running speeds The thicker windings hinder the necessity for

Traffic Lights with LEDs

13,00 incl. VAT 411529
Traffic Lights with LEDs Traffic Lights with LEDs This updated craft pack provides a lot of fun and challenges while

Fishing boot with steam motor

15,00 incl. VAT 408694
Fishing boot with steam motor Very nice project with pre-made hull. The steam motor is pre made only needs ino