JEA Program Training Material (Package 2)
The JEA Training Material (Package 2) is the second of three product packages used in the Junior Engineering Academy training program. This program was developed for the Greek Gymnasiums by the educational organization STEM Education and is part of the programs of the Pan-European network Junior Engineering Academy.
The second package is complementary to the first and includes materials for teaching activities of electricity, electromagnetism, engineering experiments, electronic automation, robotics and programming.
The first package concerns construction materials through which the principles of simple machines and principles of mechanical physics are taught. (SKU 941247)
The third product package concerns the activities of the program related to 3D design and printing. (SKU 750107 , SKU 750081)
Package 2 includes the following materials.
1032-W10-B1S | GIGO breadboard for sensors big |
1032-w10-b2s | GIGO breadboard for sensors small (2 pcs) |
720132 | Grove Light Sensor v1.2 |
722242 | Grove – Button (2 pcs) |
724053 | Grove – Green LED |
720172 | Grove – Line Finder |
723001 | Grove – LCD RGB Backlight |
729057 | Grove – Branch Cable for Servo(1 pc) |
729028 | Grove – 4 pin Female Jumper to Grove 4 pin Conversion Cable (1 pc) |
730821 | HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor for distance measurement |
712612 | lead rechargeable battery charger 2V,6V,12V 600mA |
530001 | Rechargeable lead battery 6V 1.2Αh |
530005 | Power Supply 3-12V DC (adjustable) 1500mA |
527061 | Digital Multimeter |
321115 | Mass 50gr with Double Hook (pc. 3) |
719220 | Linear Potentiometer 220Ω 1W |
705209 | Arduino UNO Rev3 |
710090 | Grove Shield για Arduino |
550405 | Magnets (pcs 2) |
700471 | USB-A male cable to USB-B male 1.5m High Quality |
523016 | Cables Crocodiles (set of 10 pcs) |
400075 | Metal base for lamp (pcs 3) |
523026 | Light bulb (pc 3) |
503626 | Colored Cable (2m) |
710000 | Plastic Case |
707070 | Technology Consumables (Insulation, Screws, screwdriver, BR cable, Fasteners) |