Olive Oil Acidity Measurement Kit
The Olive Oil Acidity Measurement Kit is essential for calculating the acidity of the oil by titration. Titration is a method used to determine an unknown content of a solution. In this method we calculate the volume of known solution (standard solution) needed to completely react with a solution of unknown content.
This kit includes:
- Retort Stand with Rod
- PTFE Burette 50ml teflon stopcock
- Burette Clamp, single, plastic
- Measuring Cylinder 10ml
- Conical Flask 250ml
- Phenolpthalaine 0,05% (100ml)
- Sodium Hydroxide 1lt 0.1N (0.1M)
- Ethanol absolute 1lt (CH3CH2OH)
- Acetone (propanone) 500ml (CH3COCH3)
Optional (not included in kit):
Hot Plate with Magnetic Stirrer