With the Math Balance children will discover the wealth of mathematical knowledge through play.
The arm is numbered on each side from 0 – 10.
On one side this numbering is done with numbers, while on the other side the numbering is done schematically with “apples”.
Also contains 20 equivalent weights.
Students hang on one number one weight and on the other side they can hang equivalents.
For example, one weight at 10 and on the other side one at 7 and one at 3.
So our scale balances because (1 0= 7 + 3).
Great for matching numbers with quantity as well as understanding operations.
Students will learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide. They will understand the relationships equal to (=) , greater than ( >), less than (<).
The box includes:
1 Scale (made of durable plastic)
20 Equivalent weights
30 Activity Cards
8 double-sided worksheets