100 Kinds Microscope slides,packed in plastic box
1. Reptile Skin
2. Ciliated columnar Pseudostratified
3. Cotton leaf
4. Nerve Tissue sec.
5. Smooth Muscles C.S
6. Skin Mammalia
7. Simple frog egg cell Sec.
8. Μeiosis of PLAR Sec.
9. Hydra C.S
10. Stem MONOCOAT root tip C.S
11. Three Types bacteri Smear
12. Frog clevage Sag Sec
13. Hydra W.M
14. Spleen from Mammalia Sec
15. Frog Blastula Sag Sec
16. Oesophagus Mammalia
17. Young Female Cone Pinus L.S
18. Pinus mountains strobilus
19. Sec pancreas
20. Bladder Sec
21. Parenchyma
22. Large intestine Sec
23. Collenchyma
24. Xylem
25. Artery Mammalia
26. Pinus pollem
27. Phloem
28. Stem to show lenticel
29. Aspergillus
30. Human Blood Smear
31. House fly mouth W.M Parts
32. Motor nerve cell W.M
33. Teana mature poglottid
34. Paramecium conjugation
35. Paramecium in Fission
36. Cases bud sec (Rabbit)
37. Moss head antheridral L.S.
38. Lily Anther Sec.
39. Simple squamous epithelium W.M.
40. Vicia Faba leaf epidermis
41. Testis Sec.
42. Hydra C.S through testis
43. DICOT. Stem L.S (Sunflower)
44. Stratitied squamous epithelium
45. Sec Plasmodesmus
46. Pinus leaf C.S
47. Cucurbita stem L.S
48. Plant mitosis Sec (Onion root tip)
49. Lung Mammalia
50. Stem tip L.S (Hydrilla Verticillata)
51. Cardiac muscle L.S
52. Hydra L.S
53. Penicillium W.M
54. Mushroom Coprinus
55. Ciliated epithelium Sec
56. Skeletal muscle
57. Ovary Sec
58. Lymph node Sec.
59. Common Parts mouth female mosquito W.M
60. Woody Stem Dicon C.S
61. Sec stomache
62. Dense connective Tissue (tendon L.S)
63. Skin bony fish
64. Young root tip C.S
65. Τaenia solium cysticerus W.m
66. Earthworm C.S
67. Spirogyra conjugation W.M
68. Smear spermatozoa
69. Drosophila salivary gland chromosomes W.M
70. Spiral cord C.S
71. Kidney L.S
72. Trachea Mammalia
73. Μonocot. Stem C.S
74. Smooth muscle W.M
75. Areola connective Tissue
76. Animal Sec mitosis (Ascaris egg)
77. Moss head Archegonial L.S
78. Fern prothalium
79. Moss Protonema
80. Pollen germination
81. Capsilla young embryo Sec
82. Lily ovulary Sec
83. Capsilla mature embryo Sec
84. Jasmine Leaf ?inter W.S
85. Yeasts
86. Blood Smear of frog
87. Squamous epithelium from human mouth scrapings
88. Stem of cotton
89. Tongues L.S (cator dog) filiform shoeing papilae
90. Paramecium W.M
91. Cucurbita stem C.S
92. Chlamydomonas W.M
93. Onion epidermis W.M
94. Lichens Sec.
95. Vein Mammalia
96. Honey – Bee Parts mouth W.M
97. Sclernchyma
98. Honey bee third pair of Legs W.M
99. Root Tip L.S (cron)
100. Ντ. DICOT. Stem C.S (Sunflwer)