A Realistically simulate blood typing without the hazards of real blood.
Using actual blood typing procedures, your students will classify four unknown samples of simulated Blood. Blood realistically simulates agglutination – without the hazards.
Students will learn about Rh incompatibilities and other blood testing techniques, such as blood smearing, blood cell counts and much more!
About Simulated Blood Typing Lab Investigations: Conduct realistic blood typing activities without exposure to the hazards of real blood!
Contains simulated, microscopic blood cells which can be viewed and counted under a microscope or used with a haemacytometer.
This ABO-Rh Blood Typing Kit allows your students to:
- Experiment using blood (Real blood is not used)
- Uses artificial blood and sera.
- Simulates actual blood typing.
- Rh factor determination.
- A,B,O and AB types are included.
- Genetic considerations to settle paternity question.
- Determines possible blood donors.