Encourage your students to learn to create bacteria.
Also do the staining of them.
Contains a total of five reagents for the production of forty preparations as well as one for decolorization.
Complete instructions for the manufacture of bacterial preparations by students (bacilli granules, spirulina).
The package includes:
1. Bacterial cultures: bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, Aquaspirillum serpens
2.10 small plastic containers
3.10 large plastic containers
4.10 sealed pipettes with decolorization solution
5. Gram iodine dispersion tube
6. Box with gloves
7.Gram crystal violet staining dispersion tube
8. Gram safranin staining dispersion tube
9. Pencil
10. 1 box with slides
11. Pipettes
12. 1 box of toothpicks
Materials needed but not included:
Microscope with magnification at least 430X
Deionized water
Pair of scissors
Plastic garbage bag
Heating plate